In a maker's world there are bright moments of inspiration followed by clouds of disappointment. When one seeks perfection, the odds are always out to defy. Often prototypes require tweaking and further tweaking, inevitably leaving behind a trail of miscalculations, not-quite-theres, and second-choices. Often the flaws could be deemed minuscule to anyone other than the maker. After all, we are our own worst critics. Sometimes, the flame behind a design can burn out merely landing itself on a workbench in a pile of first-tries. Most often these lost pieces find homes in our private collections- fated to sole ownership, but more importantly, coveted with all its imperfections.

Very soon a web page devoted to these gems titled "Samples | Seconds | One-offs" will be available to peruse under our Shop tab. This added section to our shop allows a piece, regarded as not having met a specific standard, a second chance to breathe in a new environment. This shop is us opening private collections to you. Some pieces you might recognize from our existing lines being sold at a discounted rate. Any and all blemishes will be candidly listed with photographs. Other pieces will be exclusive and singular. 

Items will be posted at random as they occur, so be sure to check-in because pieces will post and be gone before you know it. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for the shop's official launch and further leads on new additions.

Forge & Finish