Forge & Finish's Carly Mayer on Working Smarter and Saving Weekends for Family and Friends
At Forge & Finish, we create distinctive handcrafted metal designs for the modern woman. As part of our dedication to the inspiring women we know and love, we’re celebrating the working moms in our creative community in a series of interviews. Next up in our series, we’re hearing from our very own co-founder Carly Mayer on raising Forge & Finish’s littlest assistant, Isador.
What was the pivotal moment that inspired you to launch your own business? /Can you name a pivotal moment in your career that pushed you to where you are now?
Prior to Forge & Finish, I maintained an individual identity brand called Bombita Designs. I made mostly OOAK work under this name from 2009-2014 and did well at craft shows and markets but never got the hang of marketing myself on social media and keeping up with a current website presence. The summer of 2014, Emily and I were working pretty full-time for another jewelry company and got laid off on the same day. We weren’t mad or bitter because it was just the sign we needed and fire under our asses to set us on our own path of starting the brand you know today as Forge & Finish. We got Desiree on board and we knew that working together as a team would be the best way to fully realize a healthy business. Sharing ideas, resources, space and time is what began to set us apart from other jewelry companies. We weren’t just a business, we were “framily,” and that meant taking care of each other and considering one another in a way you don’t normally see in most workplaces.
“In a way, having a kid helped me to work smarter not harder and I have become extremely efficient with the sliver of free time I am allotted in a day.”
What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced running your own business and how did you overcome it?
The biggest challenge we have faced and are still currently working on surmounting is adjusting our business model from a predominantly in-person retail event operation to an online/wholesale brand. We thrive in community and having to shut off that lifeline for over a year has been really jarring for us. To keep our heads above water, we have partnered with some really incredible local stores like Lobo Mau, Ritual Shoppe, and Weavers Way Mercantile who have graciously nurtured our brand and projected a spotlight on our work to a client base we wouldn’t currently be able to get in front of.
How did becoming a mama change your approach to your work life?
B.I.M. (Before Isador Mayer) I was a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-tails kind of gal. Working from 11am-10pm was not unprecedented. (Yes, I generally started my day at 11 because I enjoyed sleep which I haven’t been able to reclaim in over 2 ½ years.) Now, everything is on a schedule thanks to my husband Ian who is very insistent on time management. I wake up by 7:30 and my morning is centered around stimulating Isador while checking and following up with emails, then breakfast and a morning walk until about 12:30 when he generally takes a nap until 3. This is when the majority of my production work is accomplished. In a way, having a kid helped me to work smarter not harder and I have become extremely efficient with the sliver of free time I am allotted in a day.
Is there a particular way you structure your day or week to accomplish your career goals and balance having a family? Do you have any time-saving hacks that you’ve incorporated into your daily life?
I try to save the weekends for family and friend time now, whereas in the past, I’d typically be working at events at least one day a weekend, particularly during the summer. One great time-saving hack that I have implemented this year has been making a calendar for our social media posts and updates. I like to lay out imagery and content for an entire month, usually in one day. This method has allowed me to turn off the apps on my phone by 10pm every night and not be stressed about what to share or write the next day.
What have been your biggest challenges in the transition to being a working mama? How have you navigated them?
Patience. Having a kid is a GIANT test of patience. I am fortunate to have a partner with tons of patience who also works from home so he and I have been fairly good at tag-teaming on parenting since the pandemic began.
“I do the things I normally would enjoy and now I just have a tiny shadow by my side doing them with me. ”