Kimberly Frey's steadfast career with art education continually repaves the road of an artist on the way to mastering her craft. Listen as the creator of ceramic objects and wearables brand Happy Land Handmade explains the manifestation of one her latest designs featured here. 

In one of her recent quests, Kimberly assisted a colleague, Roberto Lugo, in leading a workshop on Mishima. The ancient Japanese technique involves creating layers beneath a carved surface, much like another technique originated in Italy called Sgraffito, where a surface layer is incised to reveal a secondary layer's contrasting color. The resulting pattern from both techniques inspired a cross-medium interpretation, which originally struck the artist through a textile swatch's colorful palette that looked pleasantly "random, chaotic, or like fireworks." Materialized through one of her latest ceramic forms, comes a set of sublime dark gray plates dashed with strokes of red, blue, white, purple, and yellow carved into the surface.

Happy Land Handmade offers collections in functional ceramic vessels and jewelry. Visit her website for updates and more information here.

Forge & Finish