6 Modern Home Décor Ideas to Refresh Your Space


We’re spending more time than ever in our homes these days so it’s important that you curate a space that’s uniquely yours. After spring cleaning your home this season, why not treat yourself to some new objets guaranteed to spruce up your space? We’ve recently expanded into the lifestyle space, crafting one-of-a-kind modern home décor pieces deserving of a special place in your abode. Here are five home décor ideas to refresh your space.

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1. Stairway to nowhere | No. 1

The world is your oyster when it comes to sculptural pieces that add interesting moments to your home. Our “Stairway to nowhere” series presents a study in imperfect geometric shapes, catching the light at different angles.

2. Wavy Comb Wall Hangs

A zany take on the most basic tool adapted into wall decor. The comb has been used through the ages for grooming, but we wanted to take a closer look to study this toiletry as an object. A beautiful gradient of teeth capable of conjuring a masterful mane.

3. Stairway to nowhere | No. 2

Each form in this series expresses a rumination on feeling lost and meandering an unpredictable path.

4. Lilith Candelabrum

Lilith Candelabrum has teeth. Light the night on fire, bring light to that which needs changing. Balancing out all the imbalances..

5. Stairway to nowhere | No. 3

Viewed straight on, the top landing tapers off into perpetuity. Each flight strikes a peculiar balance-a sign of reliability despite its disproportion.

6. Ascension Light Caddy

This piece was created to bring functional design into the home. A compact and sleek disk that cleverly illuminates, reflects and holds.

Looking for sculptural objects you can wear? Shop our jewelry collection.

Dacy Knight